Those who have previously completed Ricky's 52 Week Photo Challenge class are welcome to join this Critique Group for 2022. $64/year
This group is only open to participants who previously participated in a full year of Ricky's 52-Week Photo Challenge between 2015 and 2022.
The joy, inspiration, and virtual friendships from this group will provide ongoing encouragement, enthusiasm, and support for your 2023 photo journey. Let's keep growing together!
• The critique group runs all year. There are 52 weeks of challenges. • Each week Ricky issues a new photo challenge. These are CHALLENGES ONLY with possible inclusion ofl challenges based on online tutorials, often suggested by participants. • The group members interact and share comments and critiques on the images that are submitted. • It is the gathering place where registered members can share ideas, websites, other online tutorial links and other photography interests. • The critique group has also become a wonderful way to stay connected with the photographers you have come to know from this challenge experience.