Online Photography Classes with Ricky Tims

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52 Week Challenge Critique Group

This class is only open to participants who previously took Ricky's 52-Week Photo Challenge.
Each week Ricky issues a new photo challenge. The group provides comments and critiques on the images that are submitted. It is the gathering place where registered members can share ideas, websites, other online tutorial ...

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2016 Photo Challenge Part 1


Ricky Tims leads Part 1 (26 weeks) of an in-depth, three-part, 52-week digital photography class. This is group participation class. It is not a self-guided, self-contained class. Lessons/challenges are posted each week. It is perfect for anyone interested in being a better artist by using photography as a medium ...

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2016 Photo Challenge Part 2

Ricky Tims leads Part 2 (13 weeks) of the three-part, 52-week digital photography class.

Only students from the 2016 Part 1 class may register for Part 2. There is no 'early bird' price because the price of the Part 2 class reflects the 75% discount for everyone. As experienced previously ...

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2016 Photo Challenge Part 3

Ricky Tims leads Part 3 (the final 13 weeks) of the three-part, 52-week digital photography class. 

Only students from the 2016 Part 2 class may register for Part 3. There is no 'early bird' price because the price of the Part 3 class reflects the 75% discount for everyone. As ...

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2017 Photo Challenge Critique Group

This class is only open to participants who previously took Ricky's 52-Week Photo Challenge.

• The critique group runs for the year - 52 weeks of challenges.
• Each week Ricky issues a new photo challenge. CHALLENGES ONLY, NOT LESSONS
   (Ricky will share online videos or other updated news from time to ...

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2017 Photo Challenge Part 1


Ricky Tims leads Part 1 (26 weeks) of an in-depth, three-part, 52-week digital photography class. This is group participation class. It is not a self-guided, self-contained class. Lessons/challenges are posted each week. It is perfect for anyone interested in being a better artist by using photography as a medium ...

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2017 Photo Challenge Part 2


Ricky Tims leads Part 2 (13 weeks) of the three-part, 52-week digital photography class. It is a prerequisite that participants were enrolled in the 2017 Part 1 course.

Part 2 is $99

As a reminder, only those who enrolled in Parts 1 and 2 are eligible in the fall to ...

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2017 Photo Challenge Part 3


Ricky Tims leads Part 3 (the final 13 weeks) of the three-part, 52-week digital photography class. It is a prerequisite that participants were enrolled in the 2017 Parts 1 and 2. 

Part 3 is $49



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2018 Photo Challenge Critique Group

This class is only open to participants who previously participated in a full year of Ricky's 52-Week Photo Challenge.

• The critique group runs for the year - 52 weeks of challenges.
• Each week Ricky issues a new photo challenge. CHALLENGES ONLY, NOT LESSONS
   (Ricky will share online videos or other ...

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2018 Photo Challenge Part 1



Ricky Tims leads Part 1 (26 weeks) of an in-depth, three-part, 52-week digital photography class. This is group participation class. It is not a self-guided class. Lessons/challenges are posted each week. Challenge images are upload for all the class to see and comment ...

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2018 Photo Challenge Part 2


Ricky Tims leads Part 2 (13 weeks) of the three-part, 52-week digital photography class. It is a prerequisite that participants were enrolled in the 2017 Part 1 course.

Part 2 is $99

As a reminder, only those who enrolled in Parts 1 and 2 are eligible in the fall to ...

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2018 Photo Challenge Part 3


Ricky Tims leads the final Part 3 (13 weeks) of the three-part, 52-week digital photography class. It is a prerequisite that participants were enrolled in the 2018 Parts 1 and 2 of the course.

Part 3 is $49

Only those who enrolled in Parts 1 and 2 are eligible in ...

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