Online Photography Classes with Ricky Tims

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2022 Photo Challenge Part 3


Ricky Tims leads Part 3 (13 weeks) of his three-part, 52-week digital photography class. It is a prerequisite that participants were enrolled in the 2022 Parts 1 and 2 of this course.

Part 2 is $49

Those who enrolled for all 52 weeks are eligible to participate in the ongoing ...

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Smart Phone Photography 2022A


November 5-14, 2022
Ricky Tims leads a ten-lesson, ten day photography class for those who want to take better photos using their smart phone. This is an immersive smart phone photography course.

View the CLASS IMAGE GALLERY above to see images that were taken and edited using only a smart ...

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2022 Photo Challenge Part 2


Ricky Tims leads Part 2 (13 weeks) of the three-part, 52-week digital photography class. It is a prerequisite that participants were enrolled in the 2022 Part 1 course.

Part 2 is $99

As a reminder, only those who enrolled in Parts 1 and 2 are eligible in the fall to ...

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Photo Summit 2022

$349 Registration
Limited to 70 registrants
Tuition covers the soiree, lectures, and syllabus
Lodging and meals are not included.

These are exciting times. Don't miss this opportunity to meet your friends, make new friends, and expand your love of photography!

Photo Summit Clinicians

Andy Schwartz (Colorado). New to Photo ...

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2022 Smart Phone Challenges

This class is only open to participants who previously participated in Ricky's Smart Phone Challenge Class.

Registration runs through January 2. Challenges begin on January 2 and run all 52 weeks.

• The challenges runs for the year - 52 weeks of challenges.
• Each week Ricky issues a new photo challenge ...

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2022 Challenge Critique Group

This group is only open to participants who previously participated in a full year of Ricky's 52-Week Photo Challenge between 2015 and 2021.

The joy, inspiration, and virtual friendships from this group will provide ongoing encouragement, enthusiasm, and support for your 2022 photo journey. Let's keep growing together ...

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2022 Photo Challenge Part 1


View the trailer and image gallery above.

After seven successful, exciting, and inspirational years, the 2022 all-new version of my 52-Week Photo Challenge is coming your way! I'm making it better than ever!
THIS 2022 COURSE IS ALL NEW! Blending ...

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Smart Phone Photography-2021




NO SPECIAL SOFTWARE REQUIRED - All editing is done in the smart phone.

Optional fun editing apps will be covered, but won’t be required.

This is an interactive, group participation class. Participants will upload images for ...

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2021 Photo Challenge Part 3


Ricky Tims leads Part 2 (13 weeks) of the three-part, 52-week digital photography class. It is a prerequisite that participants were enrolled in the 2020 Parts 1 and 2 sections.

Part 3, the final 13 weeks, is $49

This final 13 weeks is only those who enrolled in Parts 1 ...

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2021 Photo Challenge Part 2


Ricky Tims leads Part 2 (13 weeks) of the three-part, 52-week digital photography class. It is a prerequisite that participants were enrolled in the 2020 Part 1 course.

Part 2 is $99

As a reminder, only those who enrolled in Parts 1 and 2 are eligible in the fall to ...

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Photo Summit 2021

$349 Registration
Limited to 70 registrants
Fee is for Photo Summit registration. All events, lectures, and presentations are included with your registration. The Francisco Center for the Performing Arts is our small, but well-suited meeting space, with comfortable terraced, movie-theater seating.

Lodging and meals are not included
Monday Night 
7 ...

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2021 Smart Phone Challenges

This class is only open to participants who previously participated in Ricky's 10-Week Smart Phone Class.

• The challenges runs for the year - 52 weeks of challenges.
• Each week Ricky issues a new photo challenge. CHALLENGES ONLY, NOT LESSONS
• The group members interact and share comments and critiques on the ...

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